Winnie Kao dropped the gauntlet. She asked anyone and everyone to join her in blogging every day for a week. Many, including me, accepted her challenge. Making the commitment to blogging every day for seven days forced me to adjust my work schedule to write every day – weekends included. Yesterday I posted my blog […]
Lessons Learned From Accepting A Challenge
January 25, 2015 By Deb
Filed Under: Art of Storytelling Tagged With: blog, daily blog, learn, lessons, power, shipping, winnie kao
Get Your Social On: Keeping the Social in Social Media
January 21, 2015 By Deb

Are you being social or have you slipped into the habit of constant selling, rather than engaging, on social media channels? If you’re constantly asking, selling, telling, are you engaging with your audience? Or have you alienated your tribe? If you’re not engaging, you might just be transferring traditional media tactics to social settings. You might be […]
Filed Under: Art of Storytelling Tagged With: answer, earn trust, engage, learn, listen, respect, social media, stay social, storytelling