Want to Tell a Great Story? Try Reading a Few.

Reading is one of the best ways you can learn to be a better writer. Grab a book – fiction, nonfiction – whatever suits your fancy, and see what you learn. My love of reading and fascination with books dates back to my childhood. Olaf Reads is a favorite from my childhood, and my current library […]

Attitude of Gratitude: There’s a Lot to be Grateful for in my Life

Faceboook is overflowing with gratitude challenges. People are challenging their friends, family, and colleagues to identify those things in their lives for which they’re grateful. My friend, Maura Halkiotis, challenged me to identify and post three things I’m grateful for each day for five days. I altered the challenge a bit: here’s my list – all […]

Experiencing Writer’s Block? Laugh It Off

There you are: sitting at your keyboard after eliminating every distraction known to man. You’ve exited out of email, LinkedIn, facebook and even twitter. Coffee and snacks by your side, you’re ready to go. Except. Well. No words are flowing. Your mind has gone blank and your fingers are hovering over the keys, waiting for […]